The Primrose Plod 2025
Welcome to the Primrose Plod 2025 event.
The Primrose Plod is a sponsored walk arranged and coordinated by Sam Maddock who is a local fundraiser. Sam has organised three previous successful plods after receiving breast cancer treatment at the Primrose Breast Care Centre and wanted to give something back to the service that looked after her and her Mum Kim.
This year would be the 4th plod, and we would love to see as many people as possible come along and show their support.
Please join us on Saturday 7th June for either an 18-mile walk from Princetown to Plymouth or meet us at the halfway point (The Rock Inn, Yelverton) for an 8.5-mile walk. Sponsorship is very much welcomed for either walk but not essential.
To make things simple we have the following options.
Meet at Coypool Park & Ride at 7.15am, for departure at 7.30am. A minibus will then take everyone to Princetown. The sign-up fee for this option is £25 per person.
Meet at the main car park in Princetown at 7.45am, to depart at 8am. The sign-up fee for this option is £25 per person.
Meet us at The Rock Inn, Yelverton at 12pm, to depart at 12.30pm. The sign-up fee for this option is £15 per person.
In addition to the walk there will also be an after-party at The Full Time, Bolitho Park, Mannadon from 6.30pm, everyone is welcome, whether you plodded or not – this is a family-friendly event.
PLEASE NOTE: For those walking from Princetown to Plymouth we have allowed a 1-hour break before setting off for the next chapter of the walk.
To ensure everyone is kept safe we ask that you sign up in advance by contacting Sam on samanth723@yahoo.co.uk. Anyone aged 10+ is welcome to take part, four-legged friends are FREE however ALL other participants are required to pay the above sign-up fees.
A FREE, I am dedicating this walk to… T-shirt sign will be provided once your payment has been received. Primrose T-shirts can be purchased by contacting the fundraising team via info@primrosefoundation.org . If you wish to wear your own T-shirt, we ask that you wear either pink or grey on the day.
If you choose to obtain sponsorship for your walk FREE sponsorship forms and other fundraising material can be downloaded by clicking here.
Please note that whilst this event is in aid of The Primrose Foundation it is an organised fundraising event by Sam Maddock.