Primrose Day
The Primrose Foundation would like everyone to get involved in our annual Primrose Day by wearing something pink, yellow, or grey for the day.
Either dress from top to toe in one or all our branded colours and show your support for breast cancer awareness.
Our mixture of colours reminds us of our British summers. They are delightful and fun and can be worn by everyone.
We wear these colours one day of the year, to mark our respect for the ones we hold so dear. Those who must fight breast cancer away, then pray it is kept at bay.
Breast cancer is a horrible disease and one we should not dismiss with ease. So, let’s all bring some sunshine into our day and get involved in some way.
Wear a bright yellow top or a fancy pink bow tie, anything goes so don’t be shy. To get involved please donate via the link below, which will help our charity flourish and grow.
To get involved, we’re asking for a small donation of just £2.50 from each person who wishes to participate – we hope that’s ok.