New Trustee Joins the Team


The Primrose Foundation is delighted to confirm that Nick Davies MBE has joined our charity as a Trustee.

When we asked Nick why he joined us, he said; I was intrigued by seeing the news item on the Primrose screening awareness bus last year and got in touch. I am keen to give something back to a worthwhile charity such as The Primrose Foundation.

I look forward to working as a Trustee and hope to bring a bit of business experience and insight to future discussions and ongoing plans.

Previous to this role, Nick spent 18 years in the army as an infantry officer and is now a self-employed business contractor who works with businesses to help them manage business change in their organisations.

Nick is married to Bridget and has 5 grown-up children plus several grandchildren. He lives in Chagford and when time allows, he enjoys painting, walking, and learning about the fascinating history of Dartmoor.

The Foundation are thrilled to welcome Nick to the team and wish him the very best of luck on this new venture with us.