Event Refund Policy

If you purchase an event ticket with The Primrose Foundation, it is important to understand our refund policy before making your purchase.

Unfortunately, most event tickets are now non-refundable. This means that if you purchase a ticket to any of our events, it is likely that you will not be able to get a refund if you decide not to attend.

There are a few reasons why our event tickets are non-refundable. For one, it is difficult for us to resell tickets once they have been purchased. Additionally, often we have overhead costs and expenses that need to be covered regardless of whether a person attends.

However, in some circumstances, we may allow you to receive a refund on your event ticket. If the event is cancelled or postponed, for example, you may be able to get a full refund or exchange your ticket for a new date.

Additionally, in the case of a medical emergency or other unforeseen circumstances, a refund may be provided. We ask that this request is put in writing and sent to us at info@primrosefoundation.org.

If you wish to gift your ticket or tickets to someone else, may we request that you inform us of this and provide the attendee’s details using the email address mentioned above. 

The Primrose Foundation does not allow the reselling of purchased event tickets on any of our social media platforms. This includes tagging the charity in your personal social media posts or commenting on any of our events created on social media.

Should you require more information on event refunds please contact us on info@primrosefoundation.org

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Effective: 15th June 2023