Getting to Know You - Maggie

Maggie Jenkin

Hello, I’m Maggie Jenkin and I have been a Primrose Trustee for 30 months (to be exact).

I joined the Foundation shortly after retiring from the Primrose Breast Care Centre, to return the support given to the centre during my career.

As a Trustee I make collaborative decisions with the rest of the Trustees regarding awarding monies for various projects relating to the centre, patient care, training etc. I also go out and support fundraising in the community, which is one of the things I love the most about being a Trustee as it gives me opportunities to meet most of our committed fundraisers and hear about their reasons for supporting the Charity.

Alongside being a Primrose Trustee I also volunteer for a missing persons charity which operates internationally.

I have a VW camper and in my spare time, I enjoy travelling around and exploring our beautiful countryside.

Now that I’m retired it gives me plenty of opportunities to spend more time with my family and catch up with old friends.