Clair's Story


Hello, I’m Clair and this is my story.

In June 2019 when I was 3 months pregnant with my third child, I found that my right breast had become hard, harder than usual in pregnancy and my armpit was swollen. Naturally, I was concerned so I booked a consultation with my GP who advised that my symptoms were related to my pregnancy.

In January 2020 I had my son Elliot and a few months later found that my breast was still hard, and my armpit very swollen so I booked another GP appointment, it was then that I was immediately referred to the Primrose Centre.

I remember at the time feeling a whole load of mixed emotions, I was anxious, worried and scared all rolled into one, but everyone was brilliant, they even allowed my mum to stay with me whilst they carried out all the tests.

I was told almost right away that it was breast cancer. I had to have a mammogram, Biopsy, CR, Pet CT, MRI, Ultrasound and a Bone Scan. The results were that I had Incurable breast cancer which wasn’t what any of us expected, especially considering I was only 40.


It was like I had been hit by lightning which was followed by a whirlwind of treatment and appointments, some people call it a cancer bubble, but it felt more like an eruption.

By this time Elliot was only six months old and my other children (Olivia was one and a half and Sebastian was 5) were so young and needed their Mummy. It wasn’t easy but with the help of my family and friends, I battled through as best I could. The emotional impact my diagnosis had on those around me was massive however oddly it also somehow brought us all closer to each other.

Shortly after my diagnosis, I had to have Chemotherapy, my ovaries removed followed by a double mastectomy.

No one knows what the future holds therefore I live for the here and now. I have hopes for the future but must concentrate on today. I enjoy every moment with my family and friends.

Since my diagnosis, I don’t worry about things like I used to such as what other people think and I try to make more memories for my children whom I am incredibly proud of.

If I could turn back time and do anything differently, I would have pushed harder at the doctors at the beginning with my GP as I knew something wasn’t right so if I could pass on any advice, it would be that if something doesn’t look or feel right, get it checked out and push for a referral.

Thank you for reading my story.