Judy’s Journey
Hello, my name is Judy, and this is my story.
Like many women, I am a busy working Mum, I have 3 children William 15, Hugo 10 and Ivy aged 7 who keep me super busy.
I am 38 and have always considered myself fit and healthy. I work two jobs as a customer service agent and housekeeper in a hotel. I love pole fitness and have been doing this for the last 5 years and aim to eventually compete in competitions. I also love to be out in the water near where I live on my paddleboard or taking my children to the beach.
My bombshell of a diagnosis came just after Christmas 2022 when a small lump was found in my left breast. I was diagnosed on 7th February 2023 with grade 3, triple-negative breast cancer.
My treatment started with a lumpectomy and was followed by the dreaded chemotherapy. I had x4 cycles of Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide and was hospitalised 10 days after my first cycle with neuropathy sepsis. During this time, I was also put forward for genetic testing, which showed I was positive for the BRACA 2 gene. After chemotherapy, I then had a double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery all in one operation and I must confess I love my new breasts.
Throughout my cancer journey, I've tried to stay as positive as I can. Documenting my journey on Instagram has helped me cope with hospitals, hair loss, infections, and overcoming all my phobias.
Before breast cancer, I had a phobia of hospitals, needles, and sickness. Although it's not gone, I've had to suck it up and put up with everything that has been thrown my way and try to suppress my fears.
Whilst I battled most things it was losing my thick gorgeous auburn locks, even though I tried the cold cap that was devastating to me - seeing how upset I was my son William decided to shave his head for charity in support of me.
I'm so proud of the way he's supported me through my cancer journey, caring for his younger brother and sister. He raised £750 and wanted to donate it to breast cancer now because he knew I had been supported by them. Breast cancer affects all the family and teenagers can often struggle to express their emotions and concerns when a parent is ill. Raising money helped my son feel he was doing something positive for me.
I am lucky to have a 'someone like me' buddy from Breast Cancer Now who's been through what I'm going through and will listen to all my worries and moans. I'd highly recommend this to anyone going through this journey.
My pole studio did a showcase and raffle to raise money to send me and my children on holiday, which was absolutely amazing, and I can’t thank them enough. I've been very lucky to have a supportive boyfriend, family and friends who have all helped me through this difficult time. I've even had friends come over and decorate for me to boost my spirits.
I have found several charities which support breast cancer and ongoing chemotherapy that really helped to give me a lift through my down days for me and my family, including special days out and little treats sent through the post. Sometimes these little things that charities do make all the difference.
Since returning to work in January 2024 I am recovering from the treatments I’ve had. I am living my best life, having lots of holidays and family outings with my children. I had a special holiday to Disneyland Paris for my 40th with my children and even managed to squeeze in a party for my birthday which raised over £2,600 for The Primrose Foundation.
I'd like to thank everyone for their kindness and support. I consider myself extremely lucky to have so many beautiful and amazing family and friends. There have been many sad times but also some truly wonderful times too.
Who knows what the future may hold, I just feel blessed with what I have and take each day as it comes.
As I mentioned above, I have documented my journey on Instagram and if you are currently going through treatment, please give me a follow.
Thank you for reading my story.
Love Judy x