Primrose Patient Michelle Shares Her Story

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Hello, my name is Michelle and this is my story.

I was first diagnosed back on the 29th July with invasive Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) which is a non-invasive breast cancer. Ductal means that the cancer starts inside the milk ducts, carcinoma refers to any cancer that begins in the skin or other tissues (including breast tissue) that cover or line the internal organs, and in situ means "in its original place."

Upon diagnosis I underwent a lumpectomy, 6 rounds of chemo and 23 radiotherapy sessions. My journey with Primrose started with a mammogram and biopsy, I then moved on to receive my diagnosis, treatment & regular follow-up appointments. I now have annual mammograms and work closely with The Primrose Foundation to raise much needed funds - I am one of the D2 ladies, part of Bosom Pals that has raised over £23k as I wanted to give something back to this amazing service.

I found that after my diagnosis those around me, to a certain extent, didn’t know what to do, I understand it more now and how hard it must have been for them at the time.

The best advice I would you give someone going through the any treatment for breast cancer is to be honest, no treatment plans is ever identical and everyone will react to any treatment differently so one thing is to try not to compare how you feel, symptoms etc, take one day at a time, don't think too far ahead, take all the help you can get, do what you feel you can but listen to your body, have treats and eat what you want.

I would also say, don’t ever think any question is silly, ask it, it usually isn’t. Become part of BPs as they understand your journey and someone is always on hand to support you and offer advice

Some positive things to come out of my experience is that; I have made life-long friends from joining Bosom Pals, made more brilliant friends from doing fitness classes following recovery and I do more things now then I never would have done before cancer such as cheerleading, D2bare ball (revealing my boobs and burlesque dancing!!) All in all, I now do what you want, you only get one life after all!