Thank You Maggie!
Maggie Jenkin was the unit's first Consultant Radiographer, but will not be its last. One of very few trail-blazers in the UK, she has been a wonderful radiographer who transformed into a remarkably able film reader, then a Consultant Radiographer able to do the tasks normally allocated only to specialist trained doctors. She is proof that excellence is always worth developing for women (and men) needing our service, and for our team.
She gave valuable insights into the issues that radiographers might have with acquiring images we could readily read from her unique experience of both sides of the process and made a career pathway of her own for others to follow. In her own right she was consistently one of the best performing film readers. She led the family history service here in the Primrose unit, developing it into a totally re-imagined service that is about to start in the next few weeks. We will all miss her greatly.